Monday, December 28, 2009


DAY 28

I'm sitting here sipping on one of my green smoothies not sure what to talk about. I have a couple blogs in progress that are chock full of info and research and I am just not in the mood to think so much. I'm not taking so many pictures of my smoothies as they are all pretty much the same lately but now I just read that you have to switch your greens or else you can get a build up of alkaloids. Greens have alkaloids that are good in small quantities but slightly toxic if you eat the same green day-after-day. UH OH. I put so many greens in my smoothies each day that maybe I should start splitting it up. I think once the Official Challenge starts on January 1st I will be simplifying alot. I'm glad I did a month long test run. I learned a lot of things but there is sooooo much more out there to learn. It's like being a baby in the sense that you have to re learn the basics. Tonight I am in the mood to unwind with magazines and a movie...sorry dirty laundry! I love either sitting in front of the computer with my magazines and looking up whatever I find to be interesting. Another favorite thing (and a habit I picked up from design school) is to tear and paste things that catch my eye into a scrapbook. It is always so cool to look back at the trends you spotted.

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